Professional Laser Care

Professional Laser Care

Professional Laser Care performs maintenance for all laser printers on the market.  They also sell replacement toner cartridges for all brands of laser printers.  We are building this web to enhance both of those objectives.

On this site we offer over 350 models of printer cartridges from 7 different manufacturers.  Each cartridge has its own pricing and product coding, so we installed a powerful shopping cart to handle all the details.  This was a totally free plug-in for Word Press.  There are thousands of different plug-ins that are available at no charge for Word Press (the software I use to build the site).

Special Features:

  1. This company sells replacement laser cartridges, and that requires a shopping cart and other various software techniques.
  2. Professional Laser Care teams up with PayPal to conveniently and efficiently transfer monies online.
  3. We have a video on the site showing how replacement laser cartridges are produced and packaged.
  4. Their Clients can sign up for maintenance calls right online.

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