Established in 1945, Dillon-Wells is an industry leading sales organization of fine home furnishings and decorative accessories. They represent manufacturers from around the country and sell products from those manufacturers to retail stores throughout Southern California, Arizona and Nevada.
This is a “corporate presence” web site, to establish credibility in their industry, and to showcase glimpses of the manufacturers and importers they represent. It gives the retail stores throughout the southwest an opportunity to see the types of products featured in the Dillon-Wells showroom. It also allows Dillon-Wells to show prospective, new manufacturers, the types of products featured in their showroom.
This website is also a store, where those same clients can order their products online.
Special Features:
- This is the third website we’ve build for Dillon Wells. The first two lasted them 11 years. This site, a complete re-model is a store as well as a corporate presence site.
- This site is built around WordPress. The client can log in and make changes to any part of the site.